FIFA Disciplinary Code

The FIFA Disciplinary Code is a document addressing the regulatory framework of football, involving all jurisdictional bodies of FIFA. The jurisdictional bodies of FIFA include the Ethics Committee, the Disciplinary Committee, and the Appeals Committee. Their selection is based on criteria of knowledge, abilities, and experience to ensure the effective accomplishment of their missions. Below you will find our tools to help you prepare for the next FIFA exam.


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What is the FIFA Disciplinary Code?

The FIFA Disciplinary Code is a document addressing the regulatory framework of football, involving all jurisdictional bodies of FIFA.

The jurisdictional bodies of FIFA include the Ethics Committee, the Disciplinary Committee, and the Appeals Committee. Their selection is based on criteria of knowledge, abilities, and experience to ensure the effective accomplishment of their missions.

  • The Ethics Committee is mainly responsible for investigating potential violations of the FIFA Code of Ethics.
  • The Disciplinary Committee is tasked with imposing sanctions in accordance with the Statutes and the FIFA Disciplinary Code, affecting member associations, clubs, referees, players, agents, and licensed match organizers.
  • The Appeals Committee is dedicated to handling appeals against decisions made by the Disciplinary Committee.

What is the FIFA Disciplinary Code composed of?

As seen above, the FIFA Disciplinary Code is a set of rules and regulations governing the organization and operation of the International Federation of Association Football (FIFA). The FIFA Disciplinary Code is a 56-page document. Here's how it is composed:

  • The first part contains general provisions. This part of the FIFA Disciplinary Code comprises only 5 pages.
  • Following the general provisions, the FIFA Disciplinary Code includes a section on offenses. The section on offenses consists of 12 pages. Here are the main chapters of this part of the FIFA Disciplinary Code:

  1. Chapter 1: Offenses against the Laws of the Game
  2. Chapter 2: Improper Conduct in a Match or Competition
  3. Chapter 3: Other Provisions
  4. Chapter 4: Implementation of Disciplinary Measures

  • The third part includes a section on "Organization and Powers". This 17-page part is the longest in the FIFA Disciplinary Code. Here are the main chapters of this third part of the FIFA Disciplinary Code:

  1. Chapter 1: General Provisions
  2. Chapter 2: Decision-Making Process
  3. Chapter 3: Disciplinary Committee
  4. Chapter 4: Appeals Committee

  • It concludes with sections on "Special Procedures" and "Final Provisions". The entirety of these two parts comprises 7 pages.

The Evolution of the FIFA Disciplinary Code

The FIFA Disciplinary Code is a document that undergoes changes over the years, such as the addition or modification of new articles on important subjects. Here are some changes and additions that FIFA has already made concerning the disciplinary code:

  • February 1, 2023: FIFA recently published new editions of its Disciplinary Code and its Code of Ethics, as part of its ongoing commitment to modernizing the regulatory framework of football. These updates, made in collaboration with key partners such as the International Association of Football Lawyers (AIAF), aim to strengthen the protection of parties involved in FIFA's jurisdictional proceedings and to provide the organization with additional means to combat unethical practices in football.

  • July 14, 2023: FIFA released its fourth report on the activities of its independent jurisdictional bodies, the Disciplinary Committee and the Ethics Committee. This report provides detailed information on the activities of these committees, including statistics on the cases handled by the Disciplinary Committee between July 2022 and June 2023. Offenses covered various areas such as competition regulations, protection of minors, player rights ownership, match-fixing, and doping.

With the FIFA Disciplinary Code potentially evolving from year to year, for the sake of transparency, commitment, and development, preparation for the player agent exam is also impacted by these changes, particularly in the highlighted questions.

FIFA Disciplinary Code: Preparation for the Player Agent Exam

Now that you understand the composition of the FIFA Disciplinary Code, it's important to know that this code must be learned if you wish to be prepared for the FIFA player agent exam in the best possible way.

Indeed, the FIFA Disciplinary Code, just like the FIFA statutes, for example, is an integral part of the FIFA agent exam. During the agent exam, you may encounter questions regarding certain FIFA circulars or even the FIFA Disciplinary Code, in addition to questions concerning the FIFA statutes. It's worth noting that all the content available at SportsAgent Institute is built through the FIFA agent exam regulations.

You will therefore find questions regarding the FIFA Disciplinary Code on our platform!

Discover now sample questions extracted from our SportsAgent Institute platform, related to the FIFA Disciplinary Code, that you will be able to find in the player agent exam.

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) - FIFA Disciplinary Code:

Q1. When does the limitation period start for prosecuting an infringement in the first instance?

  1. From the day on which the most recent infringement was committed
  2. From the day on which the infringement ended
  3. From the day on which the perpetrator committed the infringement
  4. From the day on which the decision becomes final and binding

Answer: 3. The limitation period starts from the day on which the perpetrator committed the infringement (article 10).

Q2. What happens if the parties fail to collaborate during the proceedings?

  1. The parties are fined
  2. The judicial body reaches a decision using the available file
  3. The parties are given more time to collaborate
  4. The case is dismissed

Answer: 2. If the parties fail to collaborate, the judicial body may reach a decision on the case using the file in its possession (article 12).

Q3. In cases where a decision by the referee involves an obvious error, what can the FIFA judicial bodies review?

  1. The match result affected by the decision
  2. The disciplinary consequences of the decision
  3. The referee's decision itself
  4. The player's identity involved in the decision

Answer: 2. In cases where a decision by the referee involves an obvious error, the FIFA judicial bodies may only review the disciplinary consequences of that decision (article 9).

Q4. What disciplinary measures may be imposed on an association or club for engaging in discriminatory behavior for the first time?

  1. Playing a match with limited spectators
  2. Fine of CHF 20,000
  3. Expulsion from a competition
  4. Both A & B

Answer: 4. According to article 15, playing a match with a limited number of spectators and a fine of at least CHF 20,000 shall be imposed on the association or club concerned.

Q5. Which of the following actions may subject someone to disciplinary measures?

  1. Using offensive language
  2. Violating the basic rules of decent conduct
  3. Actively altering the age of players
  4. All of the above

Answer: 4. Article 13 states that anyone who acts in any of the mentioned ways may be subject to disciplinary measures.

Additional Resources to the FIFA Disciplinary Code

As seen previously, to prepare for the agent exam, the FIFA Disciplinary Code is not enough. Explore other important resources and documents that can help you prepare for the exam day.

Download the FIFA Disciplinary Code

Thorough preparation for the FIFA exam requires a comprehensive understanding of the FIFA code as seen previously.

To download the FIFA Disciplinary Code:

FIFA Disciplinary Code

Study Material Documents for the Exam

The disciplinary code is an essential document but must be accompanied by all other articles, circulars, present in the study material for the exam for agents.

Other documents presented in the educational material for the agent exam

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