What is a Connected Soccer Agent?

Whether a Soccer Agent is a Connected Soccer Agent determines, among other things, whether they can participate in the same Transaction.

Alexy Valory

Alexy Valory

Published: 02/07/2024. Last updated: 23/07/2024.

Whether a Football Agent is a Connected Football Agent determines, among other things, whether they can participate in the same Transaction.

A Connected Football Agent is any Football Agent that is connected to another Football Agent as a result of:

  • being employed or contractually retained by the same Agency through which Football Agent Services are conducted;
  • both being directors, shareholders in, or co-owners of the same Agency through which Football Agent Services are conducted;
  • being married to one another, domestic partners, siblings of one another, or parent and child or stepchild; or
  • them having made any contractual or other arrangements whether formal or informal to cooperate, on more than one occasion, in the provision of any services or to share the revenue or profits of any part of their Football Agent Services

This definition exists to prevent conflicts of interest. It should be read in conjunction with article 12 paragraph 10 and article 15 paragraph 3.


  • Football Agent A and Football Agent B work in the same Agency. Under the above definition, both are considered Connected Football Agents. Football Agent A acts on behalf of a releasing club in a Transaction. Football Agent B is not allowed to act on behalf of any other party in that same Transaction as per article 12 paragraph 10 of the FFAR.
  • Football Agent A and Football Agent B cooperated twice by acting together on behalf of two players by negotiating their employment contracts. Under the above definition, both are considered Connected Football Agents. However, they may still provide Football Agent Services together in a future transaction on behalf of a player and the engaging club, provided that prior explicit written consent is given by both Clients (permitted dual representation). It basically means that two different Connected Football Agents (A and B) can act for the Individual and the Engaging Entity

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