10+ years of experience, over 9000 aspiring players' agents, and that's just the beginning...
In 2020, when Yassine and Antony decided to become players' agents, they quickly realised that there was a crying lack of quality online resources to help them prepare for the agents' licence exam. Although teaching resources did exist, they were spread over more than 700 pages, making it impossible to learn by heart. So they realised that to master and understand the content, it was essential to do quizzes and mock exams. That's how the idea for SportsAgent Institute came about.
We create the things we wish we had
Thanks to the quality of its content, SportsAgent Institute has quickly become one of the most widely used platforms for aspiring players' agents, serving both individuals and recognised football institutions such as CAA, WASSERMAN, and CONCACAF. SportsAgent Institute resources include not only online courses, but also instructional videos, mock exams, memo cards, lesson plans, thousands of multiple choice questions, and much more.
We're with you from start to finish
SportsAgent Institute began as a way to help aspiring football agents excel in their exams and pass their licenses with flying colors. But when their first users started to get their licences, Yassine and Antony realised their work wasn't finished. They wanted to use this expertise to help aspiring agents of basketball, baseball and American football players obtain their licences.
Our customer service in a nutshell: The golden rule
Since its creation, SportsAgent Institute has helped more than 9,000 aspiring players' agents around the world, and the feedback has been extremely positive. Every day, Yassine and Antony receive enthusiastic messages from users who are delighted to see how much the platform has helped them along the way.