FIFA Clearing House Regulations

FIFA Clearing House SAS, also known as the FIFA Clearing House (FCH), operates as a payment institution in France. Its role is to act as an intermediary for financial transactions related to player training compensation, in accordance with the provisions of Articles 20 and 21, as well as Annexes 4 and 5 of the FIFA Regulations on the Status and Transfer of Players (RSTP). Below you will find our tools to help you prepare for the next FIFA exam.


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What is the FIFA Clearing House regulation?

FIFA Clearing House SAS, also known as the FIFA Clearing House (FCH), operates as a payment institution in France. Its role is to act as an intermediary for financial transactions related to player training compensation, in accordance with the provisions of Articles 20 and 21, as well as Annexes 4 and 5 of the FIFA Regulations on the Status and Transfer of Players (RSTP).

The establishment of the clearing house is a central element of the transfer system reform train adopted by the FIFA Council in 2018.


Its main mission is to ensure that new clubs make payments which will then be redistributed to the clubs that trained the players concerned. These transactions are based on the final electronic player passport (EPP) data and the assignment declaration validated by FIFA administration.

What are the objectives of the FIFA Clearing House?

Recently commissioned, the clearing house has several objectives:

  • Centralize, process, and automate payments between clubs regarding training compensation (training compensation and solidarity contribution) initially.
  • Promote financial transparency as well as integrity, and combat fraudulent behavior in the transfer system.

By concentrating payments of these compensations, the FIFA Clearing House helps preserve the financial stability of football clubs and ensure transparency in player transfers.

What is the FIFA Clearing House regulation composed of?

The FIFA Clearing House is governed by a regulation. Let's discover its complete composition together. The regulation of the FIFA Clearing House is a 36-page document containing several chapters with different sections:

  • Preliminary provisions (2 pages)
  • Procedure governing the calculation and payment of training compensation (9 pages)
  • FIFA Clearing House payment procedure (3 pages)
  • Compliance assessment (2 pages)
  • Sanctions and disputes (2 pages)
  • Final provisions (2 pages)

What you need to know before reading the FIFA Clearing House regulation

Before delving into the details of the FIFA Clearing House regulation, with its 36 pages, it is essential to understand certain key definitions and terms used:

  • FIFA Clearing House: An entity acting as an intermediary for certain payments made through the transfer system.
  • Compliance assessment: Procedure to be carried out by the FIFA Clearing House under applicable financial regulations before being able to accept any potential client.
  • Dispute resolution chamber: Dispute resolution chamber of the Football Tribunal, as defined in the procedural rules.

The main definitions of the FIFA Clearing House regulation include other terms that are necessary to know for optimal reading of the regulation. You can find all these definitions on page 5 of the FIFA Clearing House regulation.

How does the FIFA Clearing House work?

The clearing house communicates continuously with FIFA and with training clubs. The training compensation payment process takes place in 5 steps:

  1. FIFA provides the Clearing House with an assignment declaration containing the necessary details to make the training compensation payment.
  2. The Clearing House assesses the compliance of the parties involved by conducting preliminary checks and conducting a thorough risk analysis.
  3. The new club makes payments due to the Clearing House.
  4. Once the amounts are received by the Clearing House, they are immediately transferred to the training club(s).
  5. The Clearing House provides FIFA with detailed reports on its activities, including general data and statistics.

FIFA Clearing House: Preparation for the player agent exam

Now that you know the complete composition of the FIFA Clearing House regulation, it should be noted that this regulation must be learned if you wish to prepare for the FIFA player agent exam in the best possible way.

During the agent exam, you may have questions regarding certain FIFA circulars, FIFA statutes, FIFA disciplinary code, for example, as well as questions regarding the FIFA Clearing House regulation.

All content available at SportsAgent Institute is built through the FIFA agent exam regulation. You will therefore find questions regarding the FIFA Clearing House regulation on our platform!

Discover now typical questions extracted from our SportsAgent Institute platform, related to the FIFA Clearing House regulation, which you will be able to find in the player agent exam.

5 Multiple Choice Questions from the FIFA Clearing House regulation

Q1. What are the specific objectives of the FIFA Clearing House?

  1. To process specific payments related to the transfer of football players between clubs
  2. To protect the integrity of the football transfer system
  3. To prevent fraudulent conduct in the football transfer system
  4. All of the above

Explanation: 4) The specific objectives of the FIFA Clearing House, as stated in the text, are to process specific payments related to the transfer of football players between clubs, protect the integrity of the football transfer system, enhance and promote financial transparency in the football transfer system, and prevent fraudulent conduct in the football transfer system (Article 1).

Q2. What is the consequence of failing to appeal within the time limit?

  1. The EPP and Allocation Statement are suspended for the duration of the CAS proceedings.
  2. The EPP and Allocation Statement are automatically revised.
  3. The EPP and Allocation Statement become final and binding.
  4. The EPP and Allocation Statement are invalidated.

Explanation: 3) Failure to appeal by the time limit in the FIFA Statutes results in the EPP and the Allocation Statement becoming final and binding (Article 10).

Q3. What happens if there are any discrepancies in the interpretation of the texts of the various languages of these Regulations?

  1. The English text shall be authoritative
  2. Spanish text is authoritative
  3. Italian text is authoritative
  4. German text is authoritative

Explanation: 1) According to article 23, if there are any discrepancies in the interpretation of the texts of the various languages of these Regulations, the English text shall be authoritative.

Q4. What can the FIFA general secretariat do if there is non-compliance with notices or requests for information or documentation, or any other case of non-compliance with these Regulations?

  1. Monitor compliance with the Regulations
  2. Refer the case to the FIFA Clearing House
  3. Refer the case to the FIFA Disciplinary Committee
  4. Refer the case to the independent Ethics Committee

Explanation: 3) The FIFA general secretariat can refer cases of non-compliance to the FIFA Disciplinary Committee (Article 17.2a of the FIFA Regulations)

Q5. What is the scope of these regulations?

  1. These regulations have no scope
  2. The regulations do not apply to all parties bound by the FIFA Statutes
  3. The regulations apply to futsal
  4. The regulations apply to all payments relating to eleven-a-side football only and these Regulations apply to all parties bound by the FIFA Statutes.

Explanation: 4) The scope of these regulations, as stated in Article 2, is that they apply to all payments relating to eleven-a-side football only. These Regulations apply to all parties bound by the FIFA Statutes.

Additional resources to the FIFA Clearing House regulation

To prepare for the agent exam, the FIFA Clearing House regulation is not enough. Explore other important resources and documents that can help you prepare for the day of the player agent exam.

Download the FIFA Clearing House regulation

Thorough preparation for the FIFA exam requires a deep understanding of the FIFA Clearing House regulation, as seen previously.

To download the FIFA Clearing House regulation:

FIFA Clearing House regulation

Educational exam material documents

The FIFA Clearing House regulation is an essential document but must be accompanied by all other articles, circulars, present in the educational exam material:

Other documents presented in the educational exam material for agents.

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