FIFA Circular no. 1891

FIFA Circular No. 1891 is a key document for football agents, detailing the dates of upcoming licensing exams, as well as new regulations and requirements for obtaining and renewing licenses. This document is essential for all professionals seeking to obtain or maintain their football agent license.

Presentation of FIFA Circular 1891

Definition of FIFA Circular 1891

FIFA Circular No. 1891 is a key document for football agents, detailing the dates of upcoming licensing exams, as well as new regulations and requirements for obtaining and renewing licenses. This document is essential for all professionals seeking to obtain or maintain their football agent license.

Importance of FIFA Circular 1891

Information on Exam Dates

Circular 1891 specifies the dates of licensing exams, providing crucial information on registration deadlines and application requirements. Candidates must adhere to these deadlines to ensure their registration for the exam, which is a prerequisite for legally practising as a football agent. These exams are critical milestones that assess candidates’ knowledge and skills in key areas, such as FIFA regulations, contract law, and professional ethics.

The document also details the exam format, including the types of assessments, topics covered, and evaluation criteria. This information helps candidates prepare more effectively by understanding what is expected of them. Passing this exam is not only a regulatory requirement but also a mark of competence and credibility in the profession.

New Regulations and Compliance

In addition to exam dates, the circular addresses new regulations concerning football agents. This includes revised qualification criteria, continuous training obligations, and strict compliance conditions. These regulations are designed to ensure that agents operate professionally and ethically, protecting the interests of players and clubs.

The new compliance requirements include the regular submission of compliance documents, such as financial reports and contracts, to FIFA. Agents must also ensure they are not involved in conflicts of interest and adhere to rules of transparency and fairness. Non-compliance with these regulations can result in sanctions, including the suspension or revocation of an agent’s license.

Relevance of FIFA Circular 1891 for FIFA Exam Candidates

Candidates must be well-informed about the exam dates and associated regulations to plan their preparation effectively. This includes understanding the new qualification and compliance requirements, as well as the exam’s structure. Adequate preparation is essential for passing the exam and obtaining or maintaining a football agent license.

Candidates also need to understand the importance of compliance regulations to avoid potential sanctions and to practice their profession legally and ethically. Knowledge of these aspects is indispensable for advising players and clubs correctly and for navigating FIFA’s regulatory framework.

FIFA Circular 1891, in Summary

FIFA Circular 1891 provides critical information on licensing exam dates and associated regulations. It is crucial for candidates to understand the qualification requirements, registration deadlines, and compliance obligations to pass the exam and practice legally. Mastering this information is essential for ensuring a professional career that adheres to FIFA’s standards.

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