FIFA Procedural Rules Governing the Football Tribunal

The procedure rules governing the Football Tribunal provide a comprehensive framework for managing disputes and disciplinary matters. The procedure rules governing the Football Tribunal establish the scope and jurisdiction of the tribunal, thus ensuring independence, confidentiality, and fairness of proceedings. Below you will find our tools to help you prepare for the next FIFA exam.


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What are the FIFA Procedural Rules Governing the Football Tribunal?

The procedure rules governing the Football Tribunal provide a comprehensive framework for managing disputes and disciplinary matters. The procedure rules governing the Football Tribunal establish the scope and jurisdiction of the tribunal, thus ensuring independence, confidentiality, and fairness of proceedings. Here are some key points to note; The procedure rules governing the Football Tribunal:

  • Establish the rights and responsibilities of the parties involved.
  • Determine deadlines for procedures, thus ensuring efficient case management.
  • Provide guidelines for evidence presentation and decision-making, ensuring a transparent and fair process.
  • Detail specific procedures for different types of disputes, including those related to player status, compensation claims for training, and regulatory claims.
  • Also address procedural aspects such as mediation and handling complex cases.

The main objective of the procedure rules governing the Football Tribunal is to ensure integrity and fairness in football governance while providing a clear and consistent process for resolving disputes.

What are the FIFA Procedural Rules Governing the Football Tribunal composed of?

As seen above, the procedure rules governing the Football Tribunal enable the management of disputes and disciplinary matters in part. Let's discover its complete composition together.

The procedure rules governing the FIFA Football Tribunal is a 33-page document with several chapters and different sections:

  1. General provisions (3 pages)
  2. General procedural rules (6 pages)
  3. Special provisions regarding disputes brought before the dispute resolution chamber, the player status chamber, or the agents chamber (5 pages)
  4. Special provisions regarding claims concerning the solidarity mechanism and training compensation before the dispute resolution chamber (2 pages)
  5. Regulatory claims brought before the player status chamber (2 pages)
  6. Final provisions (2 pages)
  7. Annex (1 page)

What you need to know before reading the FIFA Procedural Rules Governing the Football Tribunal?

Contrary to other educational materials for the player agent exam, the FIFA Procedural Rules Governing the Football Tribunal do not include a defined section for definitions.

However, before delving into the details of the FIFA Procedural Rules Governing the Football Tribunal and its 33 pages, it is essential to know some key information. If the data is familiar to you, you can start a complete reading of the FIFA Procedural Rules Governing the Football Tribunal and then test yourself with practice questions:

  • The Football Tribunal consists of three chambers: the dispute resolution chamber, the player status chamber (PSC), and the agents chamber (AC).
  • Members of the Football Tribunal are subject to FIFA Statutes, its regulations, and the law.
  • Anyone appointed to the Football Tribunal is bound by a total confidentiality obligation in each case on which they are required to rule.

The FIFA Football Tribunal

The FIFA Procedural Rules Governing the Football Tribunal are an integral part of the FIFA Football Tribunal. But how does it work?

Under art. 54 of the FIFA Statutes, the Football Tribunal adjudicates disputes related to football and the application of regulations related thereto.


As seen previously, the Football Tribunal is composed of three chambers.

In addition to the FIFA Procedural Rules Governing the Football Tribunal, the jurisdiction of the Football Tribunal to make its decisions is specified in various texts:

  • The Players' Status and Transfer Regulations (PSTR)
  • The FIFA Statutes Application Regulations (FSAR)

INFO: FIFA offers a comprehensive FAQ regarding the Football Tribunal if you want to learn more.

With new reports every year regarding the FIFA Procedural Rules Governing the Football Tribunal and the Football Tribunal itself, preparation for the player agent exam could also follow these developments.

FIFA Procedural Rules Governing the Football Tribunal: Preparing for the Player Agent Exam

Now that you know the complete composition of the FIFA Procedural Rules Governing the Football Tribunal, it is important to know that these FIFA rules must be learned if you want to prepare for the FIFA player agent exam in the best way possible.

During the agent exam, you may have questions about certain FIFA circulars, FIFA statutes, FIFA disciplinary code, for example, as well as questions about the FIFA Procedural Rules Governing the Football Tribunal.

It is worth noting that all content available at SportsAgent Institute is built through the FIFA player agent exam regulation.

So you will find questions about the FIFA Football Tribunal Procedure Rules on our platform!

Discover now typical questions extracted from our SportsAgent Institute platform, related to the FIFA Football Tribunal Procedure Rules, that you will be able to find in the player agent exam.

5 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) FIFA Procedural Rules Governing the Football Tribunal

Q1. When are cases submitted to the DRC for a formal decision?

  1. When the claimant provides a complete career history of the player
  2. When cases of legal or factual complexity are identified by the FIFA general secretariat during its evaluation of an Electronic Player Passport (EPP)
  3. When the FIFA general secretariat comes across a very easy and simple case
  4. When the claimant provides confirmation of the start and end dates of its sporting season

Explanation: 2) According to Article 28bis, cases are submitted to the DRC for a formal decision when cases of legal or factual complexity are identified by the FIFA general secretariat during its evaluation of an Electronic Player Passport (EPP).

Q2. Who has the authority to make decisions regarding the application of these Rules to procedures that commenced prior to these Rules coming into force?

  1. The member association
  2. The FIFA Council
  3. The FIFA general secretariat
  4. The chairperson of the FT

Explanation: 3) According to Article 31, the FIFA general secretariat has the authority to make decisions regarding the application of these Rules to procedures that commenced prior to these Rules coming into force.

Q3. What happens if a party fails to comply with the time limit to request the grounds of the decision?

  1. The decision is overturned
  2. The party is granted an extension
  3. The decision becomes final and binding and the party waiving its right to file an appeal.
  4. The party can still file an appeal

Explanation: 3) Failure to comply with the time limit to request the grounds of the decision results in the decision becoming final and binding, and the party waiving its right to file an appeal (article 15).

Q4. Which language(s) can be used in all proceedings?

  1. English, Spanish, or French
  2. Gaelic
  3. Hindi
  4. German

Explanation:  1) Article 16 states that the language(s) used in all proceedings shall be exclusively English, Spanish, or French.

Q5. Which chamber is responsible for deciding the amount that each party is due to pay for procedural costs?

  1. Players' Status Chamber
  2. Dispute Resolution Chamber
  3. FIFA Council
  4. Agents Chamber

Explanation: 2) The chamber responsible for deciding the amount that each party is due to pay for procedural costs is the Dispute Resolution Chamber (Article 25).

Additional resources to the FIFA Procedural Rules Governing the Football Tribunal

To prepare for the player agent exam, the FIFA Procedural Rules Governing the Football Tribunal are not enough. Explore other important resources and documents that can help you prepare for the player agent exam day.

Download the FIFA Procedural Rules Governing the Football Tribunal

Thorough preparation for the FIFA exam requires a comprehensive understanding of the FIFA Procedural Rules Governing the Football Tribunal as seen previously.

To download the FIFA Procedural Rules Governing the Football Tribunal:

FIFA Procedural Rules Governing the Football Tribunal

Documents from the exam educational material

The FIFA Procedural Rules Governing the Football Tribunal is an essential document but must be accompanied by all other articles, circulars, present in the exam educational material:

The other documents presented in the exam educational material for agent.

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