FIFA Code of Ethics

The FIFA Code of Ethics is much more than just a set of rules: It is a comprehensive guide that regulates the conduct of individuals involved in all aspects of global football. It aims to promote fairness, transparency, and ethical standards in the governance and competition of football. Below you will find our tools to help you prepare for the next FIFA exam.


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What is the FIFA Code of Ethics?

The FIFA Code of Ethics is much more than just a set of rules: It is a comprehensive guide that regulates the conduct of individuals involved in all aspects of global football. It aims to promote fairness, transparency, and ethical standards in the governance and competition of football.

At the heart of the FIFA Code of Ethics are the fundamental values of sport: honesty, integrity, and fair play. It covers a wide range of topics, including corruption, fraud, match-fixing, discrimination, and conflicts of interest. By upholding these principles, FIFA seeks to preserve the reputation and credibility of global football.

What is the FIFA Code of Ethics composed of?

As seen above, the FIFA Code of Ethics lists the standards and expectations in the ethical domain of football. The FIFA Code of Ethics is a 49-page document that includes several sections:

  • The first part covers the scope. This is the introduction to the FIFA Code of Ethics, comprising only 2 pages.
  • Following the scope, the FIFA Code of Ethics includes substantive law. This part consists of 11 pages and is divided into several sections:

  1. Basis for sanctions
  2. Disciplinary measures
  3. Determination of sanction
  4. Statute of limitations
  5. Code of conduct

  • Duties
  • Conflicts of interest, financial benefits, and protection of personal rights
  • Forgery, abuse of power, gambling, and betting
  • Corruption, misuse and misappropriation of funds, manipulation of matches or competitions in football

  • Next in the FIFA Code of Ethics is the most important part: Organization and procedure. This part consists of 21 pages and is divided into several sections and chapters:

Chapter 1: Organization

  1. Competence of the Ethics Committee
  2. Common provisions concerning the investigatory and adjudicatory chambers

Chapter 2: Procedural rules

  1. Investigatory procedure
  2. Adjudicatory procedure
  3. Appeal and review
  4. Provisional measures

  • The FIFA Code of Ethics concludes with a final part that gathers the concluding provisions. (2 pages)

What to know before reading the FIFA Code of Ethics

Before delving into the details of the FIFA Code of Ethics, with its 49 pages, it is essential to understand certain key definitions and terms used:

  • Official: Any individual holding a technical, medical, or administrative role within FIFA, a confederation, a federation, a league, or a club, as well as any other person required to comply with FIFA's Statutes.
  • FIFA match organizer license holder: Person authorized to organize matches following FIFA regulations.
  • FIFA event: Any event organized or authorized by FIFA, including the FIFA Congress, Council sessions, and FIFA competitions.
  • Ethics Committee: The body responsible for investigating and adjudicating cases related to the FIFA Code of Ethics.

The main definitions of the FIFA Code of Ethics include other terms that are necessary to know for optimal understanding. You can find all these definitions on page 7 of the FIFA Code of Ethics.

Evolution of the FIFA Code of Ethics

The FIFA Code of Ethics undergoes changes over the years, such as the addition or modification of new articles on important subjects.

In its commitment to promote transparency in its activities, FIFA publishes reports on the activities of the Ethics Committee and the disciplinary committee.

The disciplinary and ethical report published in 2023 provides a comprehensive overview of the activities of both branches of the Ethics Committee. One is responsible for investigating potentially illegal, immoral, or unethical behavior by individuals involved in football, while the other is tasked with imposing appropriate sanctions when suspicions or accusations are substantiated.

With a FIFA Code of Ethics that can evolve from year to year, preparation for the player agent exam could also follow these developments.

FIFA Code of Ethics: Preparation for the Player Agent Exam

Now that you know the composition of the FIFA Code of Ethics, it is important to understand that this FIFA Code of Ethics must be learned if you want to prepare for the FIFA player agent exam in the best possible way.

With FIFA increasingly emphasizing its commissions that regulate the conduct of individuals involved in all aspects of global football, the FIFA Code of Ethics is an integral part of the FIFA player agent exam. During the agent exam, you may have questions about certain FIFA circulars or the FIFA disciplinary code, for example, as well as questions about the FIFA Code of Ethics.

It should be noted that all content available at the SportsAgent Institute is built around the FIFA player agent exam regulations.

You will therefore find questions about the FIFA Code of Ethics on our platform!

Discover right now typical questions extracted from our SportsAgent Institute platform, related to the FIFA Code of Ethics, which you will be able to find in the player agent exam.

FIFA Code of Ethics Multiple-Choice Questions

Q1. Who does the Code apply to?

  1. Only officials and players
  2. Only officials and football agents
  3. Only players and match agents licensed by FIFA
  4. All officials and players, match agents licensed by FIFA, and football agents, under the conditions of Article 1 of this Code.

Explanation: 4) The Code applies to all officials and players, as well as match agents licensed by FIFA, and football agents.

Q2. In what circumstances may the procedural costs be reduced or waived?

  1. In exceptional circumstances, in particular taking into account the party’s financial circumstances.
  2. In cases involving financial fraud
  3. In cases involving high-profile individuals
  4. In all circumstances

Explanation: 1) The procedural costs may be reduced or waived in exceptional circumstances, particularly taking into account the party's financial circumstances (Article 58).

Q3. When can notification of a decision be made via the FIFA webpage?

  1. When the whereabouts of the party are unknown
  2. When service is impossible or would lead to exceptional inconvenience
  3. When a party has not provided a means of contact
  4. All of the above

Explanation:  4) Notification of a decision via the FIFA webpage is allowed in cases where the whereabouts of the party are unknown, service is impossible or would lead to exceptional inconvenience, or a party has not provided a means of contact (Article 43).

Q4. Who is responsible for drafting the minutes, final reports, and other required documents for the investigatory chamber?

  1. The Director of the Secretariat to the Independent Committees
  2. The chief of the investigation
  3. The chairperson of the investigatory chamber
  4. The secretariat of the investigatory chamber

Explanation:  4) The secretariat of the investigatory chamber shall take charge of the administrative and legal work related to proceedings and provide support to the investigatory chamber for the completion of its tasks; in particular, it shall draft the minutes, final reports and any other document required by the members of the investigatory chamber (article 34).

Q5. Which of these may happen if a person's testimony in ethics proceedings could lead to threats or physical danger?

  1. Chairperson orders their voice be distorted
  2. Chairperson orders they not be identified in the presence of parties
  3. Chairperson orders the person not appear at the hearing
  4. All of the above

Explanation: 4) When a person’s testimony in ethics proceedings conducted in accordance with this Code could lead to threats to them or put them or any person particularly close to them in physical danger, the chairperson of the competent chamber or their deputy may order, inter alia, that: a) the person not be identified in the presence of the parties; b) the person not appear at the hearing; c) the person’s voice be distorted; d) the person be questioned outside the hearing room; e) the person be questioned in writing through the chairperson of the competent chamber or their deputy; f) all or some of the information that could be used to identify the person be included only in a separate, confidential case file (article 46).

Additional Resources to the FIFA Code of Ethics

To prepare for the agent exam, the FIFA Code of Ethics is not enough. Explore other important resources and documents that can help you prepare for the day of the player agent exam.

Download the FIFA Code of Ethics

Thorough preparation for the FIFA exam requires a deep understanding of the FIFA Code of Ethics as seen previously.

To download the FIFA Code of Ethics

FIFA Code of Ethics

Exam educational materials

The FIFA Code of Ethics is an essential document, but it must be accompanied by all other articles, circulars, present in the educational materials of the exam:

The other documents presented in the educational materials of the exam for agents.

Start preparing for the FIFA agent exam

In 2023, 97% of people who trained on our platform passed the exam, while the worldwide pass rate for the FIFA agent exam was only 19%. Join the No. 1 training course for passing the FIFA exam today.

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