What are the ongoing requirements for a Football Agent to maintain their licence?

To be eligible to maintain their licence, a Football Agent must.

Alexy Valory

Alexy Valory

Published: 03/07/2024. Last updated: 23/07/2024.

To be eligible to maintain their licence, a Football Agent must:

  • have made no false or misleading or incomplete statements in their licensing application;
  • not be convicted of a criminal charge (including any related settlements) regarding matters related to: organised crime, drug trafficking, corruption, bribery, money laundering, tax evasion, fraud, match manipulation, misappropriation of funds, conversion, breach of fiduciary duty, forgery, legal malpractice, sexual abuse, violent crimes, harassment, exploitation or child or vulnerable young adult trafficking;
  • never have been the subject of a suspension of two years or more,
    disqualification or striking off by any regulatory authority or sports governing body for failure to comply with rules relating to ethics and professional conduct;
  • not be an official or employee of FIFA, a confederation, a member association, a league, a club, a body that represents the interests of clubs or leagues or any organisation connected directly or indirectly with such organisations and entities; the only exception is where an applicant has been appointed or elected to a body of FIFA, a confederation, or member association, representing the interests of Football Agents;
  • not hold, either personally or through their Agency, any Interest in a club, academy or league;
  • in the twenty-four months before the submission of a licence application, never have been found performing Football Agent Services without the required licence;
  • in the five years before the submission of a licence application (and subsequently thereafter, including after being granted a licence) not be declared or been declared personally bankrupt or been a majority shareholder, director or key office holder of a business that has declared bankruptcy, entered administration and/or undergone liquidation;
  • in the 12 months before the submission of a licence application (and subsequently thereafter, including after being granted a licence) not hold any Interest in any entity, company or organisation that brokers, arranges or conducts sports betting activities whereby a wager is placed on the outcome of a sporting event in order to win money.

On an annual basis, a Football Agent must also:

  • pay the annual licence fee to FIFA;
  • comply with their reporting obligations; and
  • comply with the continuing professional development requirements.

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