Are there other restrictions concerning the payment of service fees to Football Agents?

The FFAR establishes the following restrictions.

Alexy Valory

Alexy Valory

Published: 03/07/2024. Last updated: 23/07/2024.

The FFAR establishes the following restrictions:

  • Payment of any service fee must be made after the closure of the relevant
    registration period.


The player receives a fixed annual Remuneration of USD 2.4 million from 1 July 2024 until 30  June 2025. A Football Agent acted on behalf of the player. In this case, the Football Agent is entitled to USD 76,000 that will be paid after the closure of the registration period (e.g. if the player was registered in Spain, the payment would be made after 31 August).

  • Payment of any service fee must be made every three months for the duration of the negotiated employment agreement.


Following on from the previous example, the Football Agent would be paid in instalments every three months, i.e. they would be paid USD 19,000 every three months, namely in September, December, March and June. The payments should be made in equal instalments.

  • Only the Remuneration actually received by an Individual is subject to the payment of a service fee.


• If out of the USD 2.4 million of the annual fixed Remuneration, USD 400,000 is paid as a sign-on fee in July 2024, the Football Agent would be paid as follows:
• USD 28,500 in September, and
• USD 15,833.34 in December, March and June.

  • A Football Agent representing a Releasing Entity is paid only after the Releasing Entity has received each instalment of the transfer compensation.


• In the transfer of Player D from Club A (the releasing club) to Club B (the engaging club), Club B pays USD 1,000,000 as transfer compensation, with an upfront payment of USD 500,000 to be paid in July and USD 100,000 in instalments in the next five months. A Football Agent representing Club A is entitled to a maximum service fee of USD 100,000 to be paid as follows:
• USD 50,000 in July, and
• USD 10,000 in August, September, October, November and December.

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