Can a Football Agent represent a minor?

Yes, subject to certain conditions.

Alexy Valory

Alexy Valory

Published: 03/07/2024. Last updated: 23/07/2024.

Yes, subject to certain conditions.

A Football Agent that wishes to represent a minor or represent a club in a Transaction involving a minor must first successfully complete the designated continuing professional development (CPD) course on minors in the Agent Platform.

In addition, the Football Agent must take into account the following:

  • They must comply with national law in the country or territory of the member association where the minor will be employed, especially regarding requirements relating to the representation of minors and making Approaches.
  • They may only make an Approach no more than six months before the minor reaches the age where they may sign their first professional contract.
  • Any Approach may only be made after the Football Agent has obtained prior written consent from the minor’s legal guardian.

Further, a Representation Agreement between a Football Agent and a minor shall only be enforceable where:

  • the Representation Agreement meets the minimum requirements provided in article 12 paragraph 7;
  • the Football Agent has complied with the above-mentioned requirements (i.e. CPD course and paragraphs (i), (ii) and (iii)); and
  • the Representation Agreement is signed by the minor and their legal guardian as established by the law applicable in the country or territory of the member association where the minor will be employed.

Since national football agent regulations may introduce stricter measures than the FFAR, a Football Agent needs to be aware of any regulations that impose additional requirements to operate in the member association’s territory (e.g. Disclosure and Barring Service check) or completely forbid the representation of minors.

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