What are some examples of just cause to terminate a Representation Agreement?

Examples of just cause to terminate a Representation Agreement will inevitably emerge once the Agents Chamber of the Football Tribunal is operational.

Alexy Valory

Alexy Valory

Published: 04/07/2024. Last updated: 23/07/2024.

Examples of just cause to terminate a Representation Agreement will inevitably emerge once the Agents Chamber of the Football Tribunal is operational. In a general sense, there is just cause to terminate a Representation Agreement when a party can no longer reasonably be expected, according to the principle of good faith, to continue the contractual relationship for the agreed term.

This includes, but is not limited to, the following situations:

  • a Football Agent has their licence withdrawn or suspended;
  • a player or coach is banned from taking part in any football-related activity;
  • a Client fails to pay the service fee to the Football Agent;
  • a club is banned from registering new players, either nationally or internationally, for at least one registration period.

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