What is the maximum service fee payable for the provision of Football Agent Services in a Transaction?

Regardless of the number of Football Agents providing Football Agent Services to a particular Client, the maximum service fee payable for the provision of Football Agent Services in a Transaction is.

Alexy Valory

Alexy Valory

Published: 03/07/2024. Last updated: 23/07/2024.

Regardless of the number of Football Agents providing Football Agent
Services to a particular Client, the maximum service fee payable for the
provision of Football Agent Services in a Transaction is:


Service fee cap
Individual’s annual Remuneration less than or equal to USD 200,000 (or equivalent) Individual’s annual Remuneration above USD 200,000 (or equivalent)
Individual 5% of the Individual’s
3% of the Individual’s
Engaging Entity 5% of the Individual’s Remuneration 3% of the Individual’s
Engaging Entity and Individual (permitted dual representation) 10% of the Individual’s Remuneration 6% of the Individual’s
Releasing Entity (transfer compensation) 10% of tje transfer compensation

If an Individual’s Remuneration (excluding any conditional payments) is above USD 200,000 (or the equivalent in another currency), the annual excess above that amount will be subject to a service fee cap of 3% if the Football Agent is representing an Individual or an Engaging Entity. It will be 6% if they are representing both an Engaging Entity and an Individual (permitted dual representation). The calculation to determine the relevant service fee cap of the Individual’s Remuneration does not include any conditional payments.

The calculation of the transfer compensation must not include any amount paid as compensation for breach of contract (pursuant to article  17 or Annexe 2 of the Regulations on the Status and Transfer of Players) and/or any sell-on fee. However, any other conditional payments that are not sell-on fees (e.g. loyalty or performance bonuses) may be included in the calculation of the transfer compensation.

Example :

In a transfer of Player D from Club A (the releasing club) to Club B (the engaging club), Club B pays USD 1,000,000 as transfer compensation, with a sell-on fee of 20% in favour of Club A. A Football Agent representing Club A is entitled to a maximum service fee of USD 100,000 (no service fee goes to the Football Agent connected with the sell–on fee).

In the same transfer, Player D will receive a fixed Remuneration of USD 1,000,000 under a one-year employment contract, with conditional payments of USD 500,000. Player D had a Football Agent representing them in that transfer. In this case, the first step is to calculate the effective commission rate for that year. Here, 3.40% would apply for the year (5% of USD 200,000 + 3% of USD 800,000 = 3.4% of USD 1,000,000). Thus, the Football Agent would be entitled to a maximum service fee of USD  34,000 per year. Any future conditional payments connected with that year will be subject to the same effective commission rate calculated for that year. 

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