Can a Football Agent conduct their business through a company? If so, are there any limitations?

Yes. A Football Agent may conduct their business affairs through an Agency.

Alexy Valory

Alexy Valory

Published: 03/07/2024. Last updated: 23/07/2024.

Yes. A Football Agent may conduct their business affairs through an Agency.

An Agency is defined as an organisation, entity, firm or private company retaining, comprising, employing or otherwise acting as a vehicle for the business affairs of one or more Football Agents.

Any employees or contractors hired by the Agency that are not Football Agents may not perform Football Agent Services or make any Approach to a potential Client to enter into a Representation Agreement. A Football Agent remains fully responsible for any conduct by their Agency, its employees, contractors or other representatives that would violate these Regulations.

The following natural or legal persons may not have an Interest in any affairs
of an Agency:

  • Clients;
  • any person who is ineligible to become a Football Agent;
  • any person or entity that owns or holds, whether directly or indirectly, any rights relating to the registration of a player, in violation of article 18bis or article 18ter of the Regulations on the Status and Transfer of Players.

A Representation Agreement may be executed between an Agency and a Client provided that the Agency is represented by a Football Agent and such agreement is signed by said Football Agent. Thus, the Agency will have legal standing to sue if those requirements are met.

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