What is an “Interest” under the FFAR?

The term “Interest” is used on various occasions in the FFAR, in particular in relation to the question of who may, or may not, hold an interest in a club, academy, league, Single-Entity League or in the affairs of a Football Agent or Agency.

Yassine Trabelsi

Yassine Trabelsi

Published: 29/06/2024. Last updated: 22/07/2024.

The term “Interest” is used on various occasions in the FFAR, in particular in relation to the question of who may, or may not, hold an interest in a club, academy, league, Single-Entity League or in the affairs of a Football Agent or Agency.

An Interest is defined as:

  • any beneficial ownership of a legal person through which the relevant activities of those entities are conducted, except an ordinary and freely accessible non-transferrable personal membership entitling its owner to a single vote in club affairs; and/or
  • being in a position that may enable the exercise of a material, financial, commercial, administrative, managerial or any other influence over the affairs of a natural or legal person whether directly or indirectly and whether formally or informally.

The term has been defined to prevent conflicts of interest occurring where a Football Agent owns (or part owns) or controls a relevant legal person (e.g. a football agency, club, academy or company involved in sports betting). It should be read in conjunction with article 5 paragraphs 1 (a) (v) and 1 (d) (i), article 11 paragraph 4 and article 18 paragraph 2 (f) and (i).

At the same time, a Football Agent that is a member of a club in a member-owned club is not considered to hold an Interest in that club.

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